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Новый рекорд скорости

688: new speed record The SSC Ultimate Aero has taken the Veyron's crown as fastest production car in the world. The 1183bhp twin-turbo V8, hit a staggering 255.8mph on a closed stretch of Washington State highway in September. The Veyron's (unofficial) best was 253mph, set on a high speed bowl. Fair play to the team at Shelby Super Cars (SSC), but let’s get something straight; the Ultimate Aero may be a tad quicker, but the Veyron is a solidly built car with a racing heritage. One look at the panel gaps, dated looks and cheap interior is enough to tell you the SSC isn’t even in the same league. Then again, at around £335,000, it is around £492,000 cheaper than an £800,000 Veyron. Kind of puts things into perspective. Взято тут

Ответов - 1

688: В общем, это Шелби /Shelby Super Cars (SSC)/ , едет быстрее Бугатти Вейрон. Результат официально зарегистрирован в книге рекордов Гиннеса.

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